Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Here is Elon Musks out-of-this world new pay package at Tesla

Here is Elon Musks out-of-this world new pay package at TeslaHere is Elon Musks out-of-this world new pay package at TeslaTesla CEO Elon Musk is known for setting his ambitions outside of this stratosphere, promising to colonize Mars and have self-driving electric cars in our lifetimes. Now, hes matching his Tesla salary to these ambitions.Elon Musks new salary is an all-or-nothing, billion-dollar dealIn order to get paid by the company that he co-founded and runs, Musk will need to make sure that Tesla grows in $50 billion leaps, according to a regulatory filing on his new pay package reported by The New York Times. Musk told the Times that he has agreed to stay as the companys CEO for the next decade in exchange for a highly unusual pay packagebased on market value and operational milestones that Musk must reach.The rewards are high. If Musk can increase the value of Tesla to $650 billion, one of the milestones his pay package challenges him to meet, he can earn as much as $55 bill ion over the ten years, or $5.5 billion per year (22 times the 2017 compensation of Walmarts Marc Lore, who led all CEOs last year). But the risks are equally high. If Musk fails to meet any of his ambitious benchmarks, Musk ends up earning zilch in an unusual all-or-nothing deal.Is this salary just a publicity stunt? Tesla is currently worth about $59 billion today, so Musk needs to start growing dramatically to meet his first milestone of $100 billion. Musk and Tesla also have a history of setbacks. Tesla reportedly burned through nearly half a million dollars every hour last year and has repeatedly missed production targets.Musk, the CEO of three companies and whose net worth is around $20 billion, is not hurting for money and is game to gamble away his salary to meet the challenge. I actually see the potential for Tesla to become a trillion-dollar company within a 10-year period, he told the Times.He said his salary is part of his humanitarian vision to get us to Mars I want to contribute as much as possible to humanity becoming a multi-planet species that obviously requires a certain amount of capital.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

14 Jobs You May Not Have Considered That Are Hiring Like Crazy

14 Jobs You May Not Have Considered That Are Hiring Like Crazy14 Jobs You May Not Have Considered That Are Hiring Like Crazy If you had to guess, which industry would you say will grow the fastest within the next decade? Despite what you might see on the news, its not tech or energy - its healthcare. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , healthcare as a whole is expected to add more jobs than any other industry between 2014 and 2024 (about 9.8 million). In fact, just last month, health care added 59,100 new jobs .Many workers today in fields like retail and the fossil fuel industries are feeling the pressure of declining industry growth due to automation and globalization - but with the U.S. population growing, as well as the Baby Boomer generation aging and entering retirement, the outlook for healthcare is incredibly bright . So if you find that your job is becoming endangered, health care is a great field to transition into. And dont worry. Its not all just positions with advanced degrees, like doctors and nurses, that are hiring. Below, weve outlined some of the most popular healthcare jobs out there, in fields as varied as speech language pathology to medical transcription to pharmacy and more. Read on to learn about these hot jobs - how many job openings there are, what they earn, how you can enter the field, and moreEducation Required Bachelors degree (often, but not always) + 3-year Doctor of Physical Therapy degree What They Do Physical therapists work with those who have injuries or illnesses to help them regain movement and mitigate pain. Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Caregivers assist those with illnesses and injuries, the elderly, and others who need assistance with day-to-day living.Education Required Bachelors degree + 2-year Masters degreeWhat They Do Occupational therapists help those with injuries, illnesses, and disabilities learn how to perform the tasks required in daily life.Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Pharmacy technicians fill prescriptions and assist pharmacists with the everyday business of running a pharmacy.Education Required Bachelors degree + 2-year Masters degreeWhat They Do Speech language pathologists diagnose and treat communication disorders.Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Certified nursing assistants care for patients by attending to their hygiene, feeding them, performing basic medical procedures like checking vitals, and assisting nurses with their daily work. Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Medical assistants are tasked with recording patients medical histories, performing basic medical procedures like checking vitals, and assisting with the day-to-day operations of the facilities in which they work.Education Required Bachelors degree (often, but not always) and 2-year Masters degreeWhat They Do Physi cian assistants examine, diagnose, and prescribe medication to patients as well as performing some medical procedures like tending to wounds and removing casts.Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Patient care technicians assist in medical procedures like taking vitals, administering medication, and helping patients with tasks like feeding, grooming, and walking.Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Surgical technicians assist surgeons in the operating room by preparing the room, providing equipment and tools, and more.Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Medical coders translate doctors notes on patients regarding medical history, diagnoses, and treatments into standard medical codes in a database. Education Required Minimum of high school degree/GED + certification, although many employers prefer Bachelors or Associates degrees as wellWhat They Do Case managers work with those who have injuries, illnesses, and disabilities to map out a treatment and recover plan. Education Required High school degree/GED + certificationWhat They Do Medical transcriptionists take audio recordings of doctors, nurses, and more and turn them into written documents like medical histories and reports.Education Required Varies by state, but typically training/certification programsWhat They Do Direct Support Professionals work with those with disabilities in order to help them thrive in their communities and daily lives.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Women outpace men in financial independence

Women outpace men in financial independenceWomen outpace men in financial independenceIn April, Merrill Lynch and Age Wave teamed up again and released the report, Early Adulthood The Pursuit of Financial Independence. The findings show fascinating insights into the financial lives of millennials as they grow into early adulthood. Although the report did not specifically focus on women as a group, it did pick up on some interesting findings about millennial women. Specifically, women are outpacing men in financial independence, even with all of the hurdles they have to jump.Women hold two-thirds of student loan debtYouve certainly heard about the $1.5 trillion in student loan debt that is spread out across 44 million borrowers. Since 1975, the average annual cost at a four-year institution has more than tripled, and the percent of 25- to 35-year-olds with student loans has doubled. Student debt has increased by nearly 500 percent since 2003 alone. 500 percent Women, who are more educ ated than ever, hold two-thirds of that student loan debt.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThis means that on average, debtors will have to allocate nine percent of their salary towards their student loan debt every month. That is often an amount that prohibits them from contributing to other goals, like investing in retirement or buying a home.Women get less financial supportAn interesting finding of the report is that many young adults are getting financial support from their parents into their 30s. Even more interesting is that 75 percent of respondents defined adulthood as being financially independent from their parents.However, the report found that women (49 percent) are less often getting this support than men (62 percent) are. To get more detailed, women are around half as likely to receive support across nearly all expense categories, including groceries (40 percent of men, 23 percent of women), rent (33 percent of men, 15 percent of women), vacations (36 percent of men, 17 percent of women) and student loans (32 percent of men, 14 percent of women).This discrepancy in parental support isnt necessarily a bad thing, in womens eyes. In fact, women believe more strongly (70 percent) than men (57 percent) that continued financial support is a bad idea because it makes them dependent on their parents.Women invest better, but lessThis research found that women are more likely than men to list investing in their retirement and paying off debt as their top financial priorities. They are also less likely to withdraw from their retirement accounts early. This means that they are typically more responsible when it comes to their investing behaviors.However, the women surveyed are less likely than men to hold investments outside of employer-sponsored retirement plans, and they are half as likely to be working with a financial advisor. This means that they ar e investing less money over time (plus, thanks to the wage gap and higher student loan debt, there is less money to be investing in general).Women are less confident about investingYoung women report having less confidence than men in managing their investments. In fact, 41 percent (versus 28 percent of men) say their biggest fear about investing is not about market volatility, but not feeling that they know enough about what they are doing. This can result in women taking longer to begin investing as they begin their careers, which will hurt them in the long run by reducing the amount they have saved by the time they reach retirement age.Women are progressing fasterDespite their debt load, the lesser likelihood for parental support, and lower confidence in investing, women are actually progressing faster and more successfully than men are. This applies across the board to education, career, and financial independence. More women are graduating from college and grad school than men, and womens labor force participation is increasing, while mens has been slightly declining. As mentioned earlier, women also more often believe that they should prioritize financial independence from their parents, and more of them have achieved that.I would love for the women reading this to see these findings as proof that they are capable of financial security. Women are typically less confident about their financial decisions than men are, without real cause. In fact, these findings show that women are able to move forward in their lives more quickly and more successfully than men are, even with the many hurdles that are put in their way. The next time youre feeling insecure about your abilities, remember that.This piece was originally published on myForbesWomencolumn.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Hire Office Staff for a Medical or Dental Practice

How to Hire Office Staff for a Medical or Dental PracticeHow to Hire Office Staff for a Medical or Dental PracticeHow to Hire Office Staff for a Medical or Dental Practice Rossheim, Senior Contributing WriterWhat tops the to-do lists of physicians and dentists as they walk into their offices for another hectic day of seeing patients? Its not likely to be that opening on their staff for a medical office receptionist, medical billing clerk or dental office manager. But the failure to devote time and resources toyoursmall geschftlicher umganghiring strategy for nonclinical positions is a common mistake for even the most talented of clinicians in private practice.Physicians are trained in medicine they dont study how to run a business, says Henry Schnierer, executive vice president at Comforce Staffing Services in Paramus, New Jersey. And a key part of running a successful business and practice is knowing how to hire office staff, from office manager or practice administrator, to recept ionist, to coders and billers.What can go wrong if you hire office staff thats incompetent or only in it for the steady salary? Plenty Failure to consistently send out patient reminders or test results can harm patients health and bring on a law suit. Communications breakdowns between the front office and clinicians can result in a malpractice claim. And a single HIPAA violation can bring a fine of up to $50,000. Of course, you might also lose patients and miss chances to practice healing the way you want to.So whether youre starting up a practice or replacing a retiring worker, its wise to look at hiring to attract top talent as one of the best opportunities to practice as you wish. Here are some suggested approaches.Dont Give Hiring Short ShriftWhen the pressure is on to open the doors to your new practice or replace a soon-to-depart receptionist or scheduler, youll be tempted to rush. But youve got strong reasons to avoid that temptation and hire the right candidate.I used to hir e the first warm body that walked into the building, says Brian Nylaan, DDS, who has a solo practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I didnt always do my homework in terms of talking with the candidate and having the whole team do so, because I just wanted to end the stress of having a position vacant.After enduring the frustrations and loss of patients caused in part by some clock punchers on his staff, Dr. Nylaan decided to reinvest in his hiring process. In the last three years Ive initiated more staff changes than in the previous 22 years, he says. I defined for myself what I need in terms of teammates. My team takes things personally, say when a patient misses an appointment, because they are motivated to help people be healthier.Take time to define and detail each position before posting it. Medical and dental receptionists, for example, need to know much more than how to say hello and handle a multi-line phone. Receptionists should be customer-service oriented and be able to handl e patients who are under stress due to their medical problems, says Schnierer. A good receptionist makes patients feel at ease, helps them fill out forms and handles computer work.In putting together a job description for positions with patient contact, consider your local market. For example, in parts of the Southwest, bilingual office professionals may give your practice a competitive advantage.Check and Test the First Cut of CandidatesTo limit the time that you and fellow clinicians spend interviewing candidates, and to ensure qualified hires, get beneath the surface and test the pool of candidates who appear to be qualified. Its essential that you check the credentials of candidates, says Rhonda Buckholtz, a vice president at the American Academy of Professional Coders. Medical coders, for example, can be checked on AAPCs credentials verification page.Depending on the office position youre filling, you might bestellung a criminal background check, credentials and licensing check s, and professional and personal references. References can be hard to track down, but they are indispensible an applicant who cant name three friends or colleagues to give positive references is a questionable hire. To judge professional competence, we use Internet-based standardized tests, says Schnierer.Create a Deliberate, Thorough Interviewing ProcessOnce youve qualified a smaller group of candidates, its time to conduct a series of interviews, including sessions with prospective peers in your office. Take pains to ensure that you stay on the right side of employment law, for example by avoiding asking questions that go to the candidates age or marital status. You might want to engage a human resources consultant or staffing firm. We have a standardized interview process, says Schnierer. We ask what were the candidates last three professional accomplishments, and we assess how they come across as individuals.Dr. Nylaan has delegated initial stages of the hiring process to his o ffice administrator, who is also a dental assistant. Kris receives the resumes, does preliminary interviews and narrows the initial pool of 10 to 15 candidates down to four or five. Then I interview them and ask questions like, Why are you in this business?Do your best to preview how each candidate will fare in the busy routine of your office. I try to evaluate what type of workloads they can handle, says Buckholtz. In healthcare you need someone who can multitask without getting overwhelmed. Have them tell how theyve handled special situations, how theyve streamlined workflows, and what they like most and least about their most recent jobs.Hire Office Staff for the Long TermWhat should be the guiding light of your hiring process? Long-term thinking. Because hiring the first candidate who will accept your low-ball salary offer is likely a false economy, especially if the new hire fails to maximize your charge capture or wastes clinicians time due to poor management skills.Turnover m ay be even more costly to a small dental or medical practice than it is in the corporate world. Theres nothing worse for your practice than revolving-door staff, says Buckholtz. If the office is in turmoil, patients will be too.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

These 9 books are the perfect summer reads for 2019

These 9 books are the perfect summer reads for 2019These 9 books are the perfect summer reads for 2019Therbeies (hopefully) going to be a lot of relaxation this summer. School is out, the pool is clean (well maybe), and its finally warm enough to hit the beach. When you grab your sunscreen bottle, consider checking out one of these books, perfect for all tastes from taxidermy love stories, Elvis in Las Vegas, and a primer on modern-day soccer.Optic Nerve by Maria Gainza (Amazon)CatapultWritten in a series of vignettes,Optic Nervetells the story of an Argentinian womans obsession with art. parte fiction, personal essay - and art history lesson - Maria Gainza takes us through an art historians life by way of Rothko, Courbet, Picasso, and many others.Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett (Amazon)Tin House BooksJessa walks into her familys taxidermy shop to find her dad killed himself. Long drawn to taxidermy, shes tasked with keeping the family business afloat while her family struggle s to stay afloat. Through grief, love, queerness, and the everydayness of Florida, Kristen Arnett writes with wit and morphs a family tragedy into a book that can strike a chord with anyone.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreElvis in Vegas How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show by Richard Zoglin (Amazon)Simon SchusterWhile most think Las Vegas destroyed Elvis Presley, Richard Zoglin says otherwise, telling a story about how Presley and Vegas saved each other. When Presley embarked for there 50 years ago, his career wasnt nearly what it was until it pushed him back up the charts, while helping make Las Vegas what it is today.Early Work by Andrew Martin (Amazon)PicadorThe heavily-lauded debut by Andrew Martin, now available in paperback, focuses on Millennials who want to write, through a funny and witty crisp prose.Black Lights Stories by Kimberly King Parsons (Amazon)VintageI n her debut collection, Kimberly King Parsons quickly establishes herself as a seasoned storyteller with a keen eye for dramatics.Black Lights tackles stories of first love, the pain of addiction, and many others through a brutal scope from the scope of women in the backdrop of Texas.The Dry Heart/Happiness, as Such by Natalia Ginzburg (Amazon Amazon)New Directions (2)Natalia Ginzburg never received the recognition she deserved, but shes getting a reintroduction and second life thanks to New Directions. Two of the Italian writers beloved works are reprinted in English, with both dealing family crisis - one by way of a husband being shot by his wife, the other a fleeing son - in equally heart-piercing offerings.The Plaza The Secret Life of Americas Most Famous Hotel by Julie Satow (Amazon)TwelveIn the definitive book behind the Plaza Hotel, journalist Julie Satow gives readers an informative history lesson about the hotels famed residents and scandals like Conrad Hiltons reputatio n and how the Plaza couldnt escape the pandemonium of the 1970s, and other happenings at 59th and Fifth.The Ten Loves of Nishino by Hiromi Kawakami (Amazon)Europa EditionsThese are the ten stories of ten women who fall for Nishino, some who fall in love, others under lust, exploring the image of Nishino through the power of relationship.Zonal Marking From Ajax to Zidane, the Making of Modern Soccer by Michael Cox (Amazon)Bold Type BooksFinding yourself looking from the outside of the US soccer wave? Then Zonal Marking should be your first stop in the summer of soccer. Michael Cox, one of Englands renowned soccer writers, examines and details the origins of todays playing styles and tactics from leagues around the world.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Real Estate Agent Resume Tips

Real Estate Agent Resume Tips Agents have a vested interest in the selling of the house at the very best possible selling price. As soon as your inspection is completed, the agent may also help you negotiate for repairs. In case you and your Realtor decide that staging is helpful for your sale, its an expensive element which should be taken under account when you figure out the commission rate. Its always better to keep in mind that less is more. The History of Real Estate Agent Resume Refuted Realtors help protect the interest of distinct stakeholders related to each transaction, including lenders, home inspectors, and escrow geschftlicher umganges, making sure the stipulations are wholly happy. The capacity for high earnings appeals to a lot of men and women who enter the actual estate field. The actual estate salespersons duty is to earn a complete disclosure to all parties on any matters that may materially alter the transaction. In case the value of your estate surpass es the present estate tax threshold, you might need to look at preparing a trust with tax planning provisions. There are a lot of great on-line examples of resume headlines to aid you in getting started. To begin with, youve got to make sure you presently have business page you could create from Google My Business. Another reason your completely free cover letter might be the kiss of death for your resume is that youre using the identical free cover letter for each organization youre applying for. This sample cover letter of a true estate agent will offer you a good idea of the way to compose a cover letter for an entry-level position in the real estate market. How to Get Started with Real Estate Agent Resume? Realtors might be a maligned bunch, but they are aware of what theyre doing in regards to selling. They conduct sales promotion and adverts of properties in different media through newspapers and online listing services. They have a fiduciary duty to their clients. A successful realtor must forever on top of expected sales leads and referrals. Top Real Estate Agent Resume Choices When you opt to purchase or sell real estate, you can elicit the assistance of a Realtor. A realtor isnt necessarily a Realtor. The proper realtor will not merely have a broad general understanding of the actual estate market, but will also be capable of using facts about your community to sell your premises. He will know exactly how to ensure that property inspections and viewings go off without a hitch. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Real Estate Agent Resume If you are a newcomer to a town, take a while to become acquainted with the place before you develop into a real estate agent as it requires time to create good lokal expertise, but it is going to help you construct a prosperous career. Its a fact that it is possible to produce your own schedule, but the 1 thing to comprehend about really being a fantastic agent is that although you dont do the j ob for a single person (a boss), you work for (and need to) many individuals. Since the actual estate industry demands everyone it hires to be on their toes all of the moment, it is crucial that one makes a distinctive effort, especially if one is working at the reception. Do not neglect to exhibit that you previously familiarized with the role for the specific industry and inform your talent which could assist you and the organization to thrive. Real Estate Agent Resume - Is it a Scam? Brokers arent as interested in your knowledge since they are in your capacity to apply that knowledge to earn their business more successful. If you own a knack for helping first-time buyers prioritize their requirements and align their expectations with their finances, thats a wonderful asset In addition, you need a productive means to keep an eye on your leads to cultivate your real estate enterprise. Sellers who have limited time and understanding of the community real estate market may be nefit from the agents talents without needing to become experts themselves. When you begin using the help of a very good realtor, you will also obtain access to their professional network. Your agent will deal with the particulars of the negotiation procedure, for example, preparation of all crucial offer and counteroffer forms. The ideal realtor will continue working with you after receiving a commission as a way to be certain that you get the highest level of consumer care. One of the chief responsibilities of a realtor is talking to their potential customers and knowing what type of property they want. The business real estate agent career isnt for everybody, as it requires a very specific blend of skills. A great agent will explain the measures involved in a fashion which makes them understandable and supply counsel on the way. He then knows how to convince both parties to close a successful deal. You will need to obey your customers to discover precisely what they want . Very good agents remain in contact with past customers. Successful agents must work together with different professionals whose services you might also use to purchase or sell a home. Realtors know that if youre seeking to move, youre searching for more than just a larger space, or an excess bedroom. If you want to be an Estate Agent then you are going to need excellent communication skills combined with some selling abilities. Writing a cover letter for virtually any position in the actual estate arena is a tricky task particularly if you dont have any prior experience. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. Several have career resources and can offer valuable assistance as you search for the perfect opportunities.

Monday, December 2, 2019

5 Lesser Known Forms Of Hiring Discrimination

5 Lesser Known Forms Of Hiring Discrimination Most well trained recruiters are aware of the all the forms of illegal discrimination that should be eradicated from the hiring process. In the US, the more commonly known forms of discrimination are age, disability, equal pay/compensation, National Origin, Pregnancy, Race/Color, Religion, Sex and Sexual Harassment. Pretty much every body knows about these and, of course, it is important they are adhered to, but I thought it would be worth drawing attention to 5 lesser known forms of discrimination which employers and recruiters should be aware of and aim to eradicate from their hiring, firing and promotion processes. And you can find these below. 1.ObesityA recent survey showed that 52% of obese people feel they have been discriminated against when applying for a job or promotion and so weight discrimination does happen. While weight is elend a protec ted class under federal discrimination laws, it might have indirect protection under other protected classes such as disability or sex discrimination, or direct protection even under some state laws. Also, just last year, the EEC gained settlements in its first two major cases of weight-related obesity discrimination and so obesity discrimination is now being tested in the courts.2.AccentA study by Patricia Cukor-Avila from the University of North Texas has found that job candidates with identifiable regional accents may face discrimination when interviewing for jobs because interviewers rates those with less obvious accents higher without knowing if they are better qualified.Once again, although accent discrimination does occur, it is not a protected category, but it could potentially be indirectly linked to some other protected criteria such as national origin or race.3. Attractiveness discriminationA study reported in science daily from the University of Colorado Denver Business School has found that beautiful women were discriminated against for jobs considered masculine and where appearance was not thought to be important for the job, such as manager of research, director of finance, mechanical engineer and construction supervisor.For men, they found that attractive men did not experience similar discrimination and enjoyed an advantage over less attractive men. They concluded that beautiful people enjoy a significant advantage over the less attractive in the workplace and highlighted a Newsweek study of 202 hiring managers which led them to conclude that looks matter in every aspect of the workplace and ranked third above education and sense of humour in a list of nine desirable character attributes.One again attractiveness discrimination is not not a protected category under federal law but it could be potentially linked and protected under age or gender discrimination.4.Genetic InformationDid you know that discrimination on the basis of genetic informat ion is no longer confined to Sci-Fi films like Gattaca? It is now illegal to discriminate against employees or applicants based on their genetic information in the US. You are also not generally allowed to try and establish genetic information about an individual unless its under strict conditions5. RetaliationIt is illegal to fire, demote, fail to hire or promote an employee or applicant because they have filed a charge of discrimination against an employer or because they complained about discrimination.